Anchored down in Anchorage

Gimme shelter

July 23, 2013 Comments (0) journal



We’re back home now. (Our boats and gear are not, but that’s another story.) With getting back on the beaten path comes all the responsibilities and obligations that are so easily forgotten about while we’re away. Although an expedition can involve difficult moments, the fact of the matter is that it’s a very simple prospect. You get up in the morning, each morning of the trip, with one thing to do that day. Once you get back home, it’s back to the list-making, the scheduling conflicts and the multi-tasking.

All this is not to complain… it’s good to be back. We’re in the process of sorting through the photos and video, figuring out the story that we’ll be telling about the trip when the film is finished. That in itself is a long and involved process, but we’re looking forward to it.

Over the course of the next week or so, I’ll be posting some recaps of the expedition… just a few little stories that might help draw the picture of what we experienced on Augustine and elsewhere in Cook Inlet as we paddled. It was a great experience and I’m already looking forward to the next one.